Imperfection makes Perfect

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 30

Mal 1:14; 2: 1-2; 8-10
Psalm 131
1 Th 2:7-9;13
Mt 23:1-12

We grow spiritually much more by doing it wrong than by doing it right. That might just be the central message of how spiritual growth happens; yet nothing in us wants to believe it. If there is such a thing as human perfection, it seems to emerge precisely from how we handle the imperfection that is everywhere, especially our own. What a clever place for God to hide holiness, so that only the humble and earnest will find it! Because none of us desire a downward path to growth through imperfection, seek it, or even suspect it, we have to get the message with the authority of a “divine revelation.”  So Jesus makes it into a central axiom:  the “last” really do have a head start in moving toward “first,” and those who spend too much time trying to be “first” will never get there.  Jesus says this clearly in several places and in numerous parables, although those of us seeking perfection as a mathematical concept cannot see or hear it.

Our visual meditation is Matthias Grünewald’s “Complaining Pharisee.” Black chalk on yellowish paper, cut and mounted; 1511. Staatliche Museen, Berlin

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